- +91 92051 70237
- oshodhyanupvanhisar@gmail.com
- Osho Dhyan Upvan, Hisar, Haryana
Embrace yourself just as you are.
Osho was born on 11th December, 1931 in village Kuchwada( M.P). He completed graduation in philosophy at College in Jabalpur. In 1956 Osho did M.A. from the University of Sagar with First Class Honors in Philosophy.He was enlightened at the age of 21 years on March 21, 1953, while studying in college.
He joined Sanskrit College, Raipur in 1957.He was appointed at the University of Jabalpur as a Professor of Philosophy, in 1958, where he taught until 1966. After nine years of teaching, he left the university in 1966 to spread spiritual awakening. Between these nine years, he visited widely in India. He addressed large audiences challenging orthodox religious thoughts and leaders in public debates.
He started conducting intense ten-days meditation and Samadhi camps. By this time he came to be known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
In 1970, he started living in Mumbai city. He started initiating seekers into Neo-Sannyas, which did not involve renouncing the world. He introduced many new meditation methods for modern-age people.
In 1974 Osho established Ashram in Poona, Maharashtra. He started delivering 90 minutes discourses every morning on different philosophies like yoga,Shiva’s tantra sutras,taoism,Buddhism,Zen, Sufism and other mystics in English & Hindi languages,alternating every month between Hindi and English. These discourses have been printed into 650 books and translated into more than 50 languages.
Osho shifted to U.S.A. from Poona in march 1981.Osho’s disciples established new ashram named ‘Rajneeshpuram’, in USA. There, about 5000 disciplines of Osho, from all over the world gathered to live with their master. During 1981 -84 Osho remained in self imposed silence.In July 1985 he resumed his discourses each morning to seekers. In 1985 American government forced him to leave the country.During 1985 – 1986 he undertook a World Tour and visited many countries including Greece, Uruguay, Jamaica and Nepal. In all, 21 countries denied him entry or deported him after arrival. On July 29, 1986 he returned to Mumbai, India and in January 1987 shifted to the ashram in Poona, India. During January-February 1989 He stopped using the name “Bhagwan Rajneesh” and adopted ‘Osho’ as his new name. On 19th January 1990 Osho left His body. Following lines are engraved on his samadhi
Never Born – Never Died
Only visited this planet Earth
December 11, 1931 and January 19, 1990
Osho Dhyan Upvan is a Ashram for spiritual practices run by Osho lovers. Here the camps of meditation and samadhi, devotion, art of living life blissfully, go on continuously.
170 km west of Delhi,Swami Sanjay has established this Osho Dhyan Upvan located on the National Highway in the outside of Hisar city. Ashram is situated at a distance of 7 km. from Hisar Railway Station.
In this Ashram surrounded with greenery, Fruit trees, flower gardens, chirping of birds, swaying crops in the fields, beauty of the open sky, absolute silence,you can enjoy nature and enjoy the depths of meditation in an atmosphere filled with spiritual energy.
Osho Dhyan Upvan is a perfect place for spiritual practices with beautiful grand Meditation Hall,spacious living rooms equipped with modern facilities and delicious food. Seekers can enjoy here the spiritual aspect of their lives.
If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.
Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.
To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.
Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving.
Swami Shailendra Saraswati was born on 17 June 1955 in Gadarwara (M.P.).He is the fifth brother of Osho. In 1971, he joined Osho’s Neo Sannyas Movement.
In 1973,he was University topper in Sagar University . He completed M.B.B.S. from Jabalpur Medical College in 1979, and married with Ma Amrit Priya ji in the same year. Then till 1981 he served in the hospital of Shri Rajneesh Ashram, Pune. He lived in Rajneeshpuram( U.S.A.) till 1985. After that he worked in Birla’s O.P.M. as Medical Officer in the hospital. During the last days of Osho, he again stayed in Pune.
Swamiji has translated and edited Osho literature. From 1998, he started conducting meditation camps, giving public discourses, Q&A talks and interviews to the media. Since then, apart from India and Nepal, he has been continuously working abroad.
He has given more than a thousand discourses on Aastha Channel, Shraddha Channel and many YouTube channels. These discourses are available in the form of 40 books, and hundreds of audio-videos. In this, the simple presentation of Osho’s teachings and the secrets hidden in the inner world is very unique. Swami ji established Osho Fragrances in 2019.
Ma Amrit Priya was born on 8th May, 1958. Being born & brought up in the environment of religiousness, the seeds of spiritualism took roots since an early age. She got initiation in Osho’s-Neo-Sannyas in 1973 . She achieved post graduation master degree(M.A.) in Philosophy and Prabhakar in Music in 1979.
She married with Swami Shailendra in 1979. She lived and meditate in Osho Commune in Pune during 1978 to 81.
Ma Amrit Priya went to Rajneeshpuram, U.S.A, in 1982 and lived there within presence of Osho till 1985 and lived a multi-dimensional life there for four years. Ma Amrit Priya along with Swami Shailendra returned to India in 1985.
Swami Shailendra joined OPM Hospital as medical officer at Amlai (MP), India, and she became a music teacher in the OPM School in the same town. They stayed there for almost 12 years and enjoyed a very happy married life devoted to spiritual pursuits. The path of meditation, showed by Osho, remained the foremost priority for both of them.
She went to Osho Commune, Pune in August 1989, and lived there until September 1990 during the last days of Osho.
Ma Amrit Priya is a wonderful singer and 40 of her albums of devotional songs (Bhajans) have already become very popular in all over India among the seekers. She had the privilege of singing some of her songs in Osho’s presence, who enjoyed and appreciated her singing.
Her magnetic voice is kindling loving awareness in the hearts of thousands.
Ma Amrit Priya is a Founding member and leading Acharya of Osho Fragrance, conducting Meditation Programs across country. .
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Weekly Celebration
Morning Meditation
All the friends are most welcome to the Shivir conducted in Osho Dhyan Upvan Hisar .There are Facilities for accomodation in ashram for night stay during camps. Please make your booking well in time And enjoy this lush green environment filled with the energy of Osho.
सभी मित्रों का ध्यान शिविर में हार्दिक स्वागत है I आश्रम में रात्री रुकने हेतू स्थान सीमित है, कृपया समय से अपनी बुकिंग करें और ओशो ऊर्जा से ओतप्रोत हरियाली भरे वातावरण का आनंद लें I
CONTACT— 9205170237
Born : 1953 in a village near Mukerian, Punjab
M.B.B.S from Medical College Amritsar in 1976. After completing his education, he served as a medical doctor for 32 years in Punjab state government hospitals. During college days, he got to read Osho’s book and reached Pune Ashram from Punjab wishing to meet Osho personally. There he took sannyas initiation from Osho on 22 May 1979. Along with the family life, the spiritual journey also started.He visited puna ashram several times to seek guidance and darshan of Osho.
He continued to do many spiritual practices throughout his life. Since 2003, he has been conducting many meditation,devotional and samadhi courses as an Acharya / spiritual teacher.
Swami Sanjay is the founder of the Osho Dhyan Upvan. In 1997, Coincidentally he happened to read Osho discourses and became crazy about Osho.
To do the various meditation practices invented by Osho, he visited many places of the country, went to Acharyas/ Gurus, lived in their company and did the practices of dhyan, Samadhi, devotional sadhanas.
living life according the teachings of Osho and spreading them has become the aim of his life.
For last 25 years, he has been running various meditation centers. Presently,he is providing guidance to seekers in Osho Dhyan Upavan.
Place of Birth : Himachal Pradesh Education : Bachelor in Music and Singing (Graduate).
At the beginning of college education, Ma sanchi participated in the birth anniversary of Osho as a singer. After feeling the heartfelt connection with Osho, for many years various meditations, samadhi sadhanas go on till now.
For ten years, Yogacharya, Sangeetacharya, Dance teacher,Reiki healing teacher etc., she have been doing work for selfless service. Presently, with her husband Swami Sanjay, she guides the seekers as a meditation and spiritual teacher.
Being a nature lover, it is her spirit and meditation to befriend, take care and spend time with many kinds of animals along with trees, plants, birds
The Book of Wisdom Vol 1
The Book of Wisdom Vol 2
The Diamond Sutra
The Discipline of Transcen Vol 1
The Discipline of Transcen Vol 2
The Discipline of Transcen Vol 3
The Discipline of Transcen Vol 4
The Heart Sutra
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Vol 1
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Vol 2
YAA HOO The Mystic Rose
Meditation the first and the last freedom
Yoga The Alpha & Omega Vol 01-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
The Last Testament Vol 1
The Last Testament Vol 2
The Last Testament Vol 3
The Last Testament Vol 4
he Last Testament Vol 5
The Last Testament Vol 6
Press Conference
The Divine Melody
Ecstasy The Forgotten Language
The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty
The Guest
The Path of Love
The Revolution
The Beloved Vol 1
The Beloved Vol 2
Seeds of Revolution
Come Follow Yourself Vol 01
Come Follow Yourself Vol 02
Come Follow Yourself Vol 03
Come Follow Yourself Vol 04
I Say Unto You Vol 1
I Say Unto You Vol 2
Guida Spirituale
The Hidden Harmony
The Messiah Vol 1
The Messiah Vol 2
The New Alchemy
Philosophia Perennis Vol 1
Philosophia Perennis Vol 2
Theologia Mystica
Zarathustra A God That Can Dance
Zarathustra Laughing Prophet
The Golden Future
The Hidden Splendor
The New Dawn
The Rebel
The Rebellious Spirit
Be Still and Know
Come Come Yet Again Come
The Goose is Out
The Great Pilgrimage
The Invitation
My Way The Way of White Clouds
The Razors Edge
Walk Without Feet
The Wild Geese & Water
Zen Zest Zip Zap and Zing
Just Like That
The Perfect Master Vol
The Perfect Master Vol2
The Secret
Sufis The People of Path Vol 1
Sufis The People of Path Vol 2
Unio Mystica Vol 1
Unio Mystica Vol 2
Until You Die
The Wisdom of Sands Vol 1
The Wisdom of Sands Vol 2
The Art of Dying
The True Sage
From Bondage to Freedom
From Darkness to Light
From Death to Deathlessness
From Ignorance to Innocence
From Misery to Enlightenment
From Personality to Individuality
From the False to the Truth
From Unconciousness to Conscious
I Am That
Philosophia Ultima
That Art Thou
The Ultimate Alchemy vol 1
The Ultimate Alchemy vol 2
Vedanta Seven Steps to Samadhi
The Supreme Doctrine
Tantra Supreme Understanding
The Tantra Vision Vol 1
The Tantra Vision Vol 2
The Empty Boat
The Secret of Secrets Vol 1
The Secret of Secrets Vol 2
Tao The Golden Gate Vol 1
Tao The Golden Gate Vol 2
Tao The Pathless Path Vol 1
Tao The Pathless Path Vol 2
Tao The Three Treasures Vol 1
Tao The Three Treasures Vol 2
Tao The Three Treasures Vol 3
Tao The Three Treasures Vol 4
When the Shoe Fits
Hari Om Tat Sat
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Sat Chit Anand
Satyam Shivam Sundram
Beyond Enlightenment
Beyond Psychology
Light on the Path
The Osho Upanishad
The Path of the Mystic
Sermons in Stones
Socrates Poisoned Again
The Sword and the Lotus
The Transmission of Lamp
Ah This
Ancient Music in the Pines
And The Flowers Showered
A Bird on the Wing
The Buddha Emptiness of Heart
Christianity The Deadliest Poison and Zen
Communism & Zen Fire
Dang Dang Doko Dang
Dogen the Zen Master
The First Principle
God is Dead Now Zen is
The Grass Grows By Itself
The Great Zen Master Ta Hui
Hsin Hsin Ming
Hyakujo The Everest of Zen
I Celebrate Myself
Isan No Footprints in the Blue Sky
Joshu The Lions Roar
Kyozan A True Man of Zen
The Language of Existence
Live Zen
Ma Tzu The Empty Mirror
The Miracle
Nansen The Point of Departure
Nirvana The Last Nightmare
No Mind The Flowers of Eternity
No Water No Moon
One Seed Makes Whole Earth Green
The Original Man
Returning to the Source
Rinzai Master of the Irrational
The Search
A Sudden Clash of Thunder
The Sun Rises in Evening
Take It
सर्वसार उपनिषद्
कैवल्य उपनिषद
अध्यात्म उपनिषद
ईशावास्य उपनिषद
निर्वाण उपनिषद
आत्म पूजा उपनिषद
मेरा स्वर्णिम भारत (विविध उपनिषद-सूत्र)
गीता-दर्शन (आठ भागों में अठारह अध्याय)
महावीर वाणी (दो भागों में)
जिन सूत्र (दो भागों में)
महावीर या महाविनाश
महावीर : मेरी दृष्टि में
ज्यों की त्यों धरि दीन्हीं चदरिया
एस धम्मो सनंतनो (बारह भागों में)
अष्टावक्र महागीता (छह भागों में)
ताओ उपनिषद (छह भागों में)
सुनो भई साधो
कहै कबीर दीवाना
कहै कबीर मैं पूरा पाया
न कानों सुना न आंखों देखा (कबीर व फरीद)
अथातो भक्ति जिज्ञासा(ऋषि शांडिल्य)
भक्ति सूत्र (ऋषि नारद)
शिव-सूत्र (भगवान शिव)
भजगोविन्दम् मूढमते (आदि शंकराचार्य)
एक ओंकार सतनाम (गुरु नानक)
जगत तरैया भोर की (संत दयाबाई)
बिन घन परत फुहार (संत सहजोबाई)
पद घुंघरू बांध (संत मीराबाई )
नहीं सांझ नहीं भोर (संत चरणदास)
संतो, मगन भया मन मेरा (संत रज्जव)
कहै वाजिद पुकार (संत वाजिद)
मरो हे जोगी मरो(गुरु गोरखनाथ)
सहज योग (संत सरहपा-तिलोपा)
बिरहिनी मंदिर दियना बार (संत यारी)
प्रेम-रंग-रस ओढ़ चदरिया (संत दुलन)
दरिया कहे सब्द निरबाना (दरियादास बिहार वाले)
हंसा तो मोती चुगें (संत लाल)
गुरु परताप साध की संगति (संत भीखा)
मन ही पूजा मन ही धूप (संत रविदास)
झरत दसह दिस मोती (संत गुलाल)
नाम सुमिर मन बावरे (संत जगजीवन)
हरि बोलौ हरि बोल (संत सुंदरदास)
ज्योति से ज्योति जले (संत सुंदरदास)
अरी, मैं तो नाम के रंग छकी (संत जगजीवन)
कानों सुनी सो झूठ सब (संत दरिया)
अमी झरत बिगसत कंवल (संत दरिया)
जस पनिहार धरे सिर गागर (संत धरमदास)
का सोवै दिन रैन (संत धरमदास)
सबै सयाने एक मत (संत दादू दयाल)
पिव पिव लागी प्यास (संत दादृ दयाल)
अजहूं चेत गंवार (संत पलटू)
सपना यह संसार (संत पलटू)
काहे होत अधीर (संत पलटू)
कन थोरे कांकर घने (संत मलूकदास)
रामदुवारे जो मरे (संत मलूकदास)
जरथुस्त्र नाचता-गाता मसीहा (जरथुस्त्र)
नहि राम बिन ठांव
प्रेम-पंथ ऐसो कठिन
उत्सव आमार जाति, आनंद आमार गोत्र
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
प्रीतम छवि नैनन बसी
रहिमन धागा प्रेम का
उड़ियो पंख पसार
सुमिरन मेरा हरि करें
पिय को खोजन मैं चली
साहेब मिल साहेब भये
जो बोले तो हरिकथा
बहुरि न ऐसा दांव
ज्यूँ था त्यूं ठहराया
मछली बिन नीर
दीपक बारा नाम का
अनहद में बिसराम
लगन महूरत झूठ सब
सहज आसिकी नाहिं
पीवत रामरस लगी खुमारी
रामनाम जान्यो नहीं
सांच सांच सो सांच
आपूई गई हिराय
बहुतेरे हैं घाट
कोंपलें फिर फूट आईं
फिर पत्तों की पांजेब बजी
फिर अमरित की बूंद पड़ी
क्या सोवै तू बावरी
चल हंसा उस देस
कहा कहूं उस देस की
पंथ प्रेम को अटपटो
माटी कहे कुम्हार से
मैं धार्मिकता सिखाता है, धर्म नहीं
तंत्र-सूत्र (भगवान शिव)पांच भागों में
संभोग से समाधि की ओर
पतंजलि : योग-सूत्र (पांच भागों में)
योग : नये आयाम
प्रेम की झील में अनुग्रह के फूल
ढाई आखर प्रेम का
पद घुघरू बांध
प्रेम के फूल
प्रेम के स्वर
क्रांति – बीज
पथ के प्रदीप
मिट्टी के दीये
संबोधि के क्षण
सहज मिले अविनाशी
प्रेम नदी के तीरा
उपासना के क्षण
स्वर्ण पाखी था जो कभी और अब है भिखारी जगत का
नये समाज की खोज
नये भारत का जन्म
नये भारत की खोज
भारत का भविष्य
शिक्षा और धर्म
शिक्षा में क्रांति
देख कबीरा रोया
नारी और क्रांति
साधना पथ
मैं मृत्यु सिखाता हूं
जिन खोजा तिन पाइयां
समाधि के सप्त द्वार (ब्लावट्स्की)
साधना-सूत्र (मेबिल कॉलिन्स)
असंभव क्रांति
जीवन ही है प्रभु
रोम-रोम रस पीजिए
ध्यानयोग: प्रथम और अंतिम मुक्ति
नेति नेति
चेति सकै तो चेति
हसिबा, खेलिवा, धरिवा ध्यानम्
समाधि कमल
साक्षी की साधना
धर्म साधना के सूत्र
मैं कौन हूँ
समाधि के द्वार पर
अपने माहि टटोल
ध्यान दर्शन
तृषा गई एक बूंद से
ध्यान के कमल
जीवन संगीत
जो घर बारे आपना
प्रेम दर्शन
बिन बाती बिन तेल
सहज समाधि भली
दीया तले अंधेरा
मैं कहता आंखन देखी
एक एक कदम
जीवन रहस्य
जीवन क्रांति के सूत्र
करुणा और क्रांति
विज्ञान, धर्म और कला
शून्य के पार
प्रभु मंदिर के द्वार पर
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
प्रेम है द्वार प्रभु का
अंतर की खोज
अमृत की दिशा
अमृत वर्षा
अमृत द्वार
चित चकमक लागे नाहिं
एक नया द्वार
प्रेम गंगा
समुंद समाना बुंद में
सत्य की प्यास
शून्य समाधि
व्यस्त जीवन में ईश्वर की खोज
अज्ञात की ओर
धर्म और आनंद
जीवन की खोज
क्या ईश्वर मर गया है
नानक दुखिया सब संसार
नये मनुष्य का धर्म
धर्म की यात्रा
स्वयं की सत्ता
सुख और शांति
अनंत की पुकार
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